Residential WiFi

WiFi that doesn’t work properly at home is very infuriating, and many people try without success to fix the issues. The common challenges with WiFi, include:

  • Poor range
  • Intermittent connection
  • Slow speed 
People tend to upgrade their internet provider speed to try to solve the proble, however because the problem is not with their internet connection, increasing the internet speed doesn to solve the issue.

WifiVentures has had great success in helping our clients have fantastic WiFi in their homes without having to change ther internet provider or increasing the speed from their internet provider.

How we can help

We have two approaches to solving residential WiFi issues:

  • Managed WiFI Service
  • Standard Residential Package
  • Large Residential Package
  • Time and Materials

Our Manged WiFi service is our premium service for resolving WiFi issues. It is exactly the same as our business offering, we install a commercial WiFi system into your home and remotely manage and monitor it. There is no upfront installation or equipment costs, but we charge a monthly fee based on the equipment we install. Typically this starts at TTD 500 a month.

Our Standard Residential package costs TTD 3,000 and includes equipment and expert installation. The equipment is a residential grade system that we havfe had a lot of success with, and works for most properties up to 3,500 square feet depending on the layout.

Our Large Residential Package costs TTD 5,800 and includes equipment and expert installation. The equipment is also a residential grade system, and works for most properties up to 6,500 square feet depending on the layout.

Our Time and Materials approach bills you for our time to diagnose and then install and configure equipment. We also bill you for any equiupment and materials we buy on your behalf. Once set up we don't monitor or manage the equipment, unless you take a support contract with us. Our hourly rate is TTD 350 per hour, and diagnosis to working usually takes 2 to 3 hours. Equipment for this approach usually costs around TTD 3,000.